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Case Report

PBS. 2011; 1(4): 162-165

Temporal lobe epilepsy and bipolar disorder: a case report

Bülent Bahçeci, Ayşe Köroğlu, Hülya Güveli, Çiçek Hocaoğlu, Murat Aslan, Ö. Lütfi Gündoğdu.


Temporal lobe epilepsy is a neuropsychiatric condition that can present with many psychiatric symptoms. Patients suffering from temporal lobe epilepsy may experience many cognitive, emotional, and behavioral problems between episodes leading to a need for specificialized treatment. Psychiatric symptoms were seen in temporal lobe epileptic seizures more than other types of seizures. However, there are very limited data in the literature about manic stage symptoms in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. In this report, we present a case with temporal lobe epilepsy and review of literature on the topic. The patient has been receieving treatment for 35 years and suffering from manic episodes that occurs after epileptic seizures forlast 10 years.

Key words: temporal lobe epilepsy, manic episode, psychiatric symptoms

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