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Research Article

Open Vet J. 2023; 13(7): 873-878

Sperm abnormality and infertility in male mice treated with the recommended dose of dimethoate and its double

Samira Musa Sasi, Nagia Musa Alghoul, Nuri Awayn, Ahmed Elghoul, Ragil Angga Prastiya.

Cited by 0 Articles

Dimethoate (DM) is one of the most important organophosphate insecticides used for controlling many pests which affect vegetables, fruits and agricultural crops, its persistence in soils and crops could cause a health hazard to humans as well as other non-target organisms.
This study was conducted to evaluate effect of the recommended dose and its double of dimethoate (DM) on sex hormones, sperm morphology and fertility of adult male mice.
Twenty-seven Swiss albino adult male mice were divided into three groups of nine animals each: control group received distilled water only, while other groups received DM orally at doses (0.1 and 0.2 ml DM /100 ml distilled water) for 20 days, at the end of the treatment, six mice from each group were sacrificed. The sperm morphology was evaluated and sex hormones were measured. Three mice from each group were allowed to mate with untreated females (1: 2).
The results revealed a decrease in LH level in mice treated with (0.2 ml DM /100 ml distilled water) compared with control group while the levels of FSH and testosterone did not record any significant differences. Also, the results demonstrated a significant increase in abnormal sperm morphology such as head and tail. The fertility reduced and average number of dead embryos increased while the average number of live embryos decreased.
This current study confirmed that DM has detrimental effects on sperm morphology, fertility and the embryos, therefore, more efforts should be exerted to protect ourselves and our environment from the harmful effects of this pesticide.

Key words: Dimethoate, Male mice, Reproduction, Sex hormones

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