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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 5422-5432

Impact Of Concept Based Activities On Academic Achievement Of Elementary School Students In General Science

Noreen Ayaz, Muhammad Saeed Khan, Shaista Irshad Khan.


The major purpose of the study was to explore the impact of concept-based activities (E-7 Model) on academic achievements of students in subject of general science and how concept-based activities (CBA) produce creative and critical thinking ability among students in learning process. This study was experimental in nature; factorial design was used for this research. For this purpose, a sample of 100 students from Government Girls Primary School Dingiand Government Boys primary school Dingiwere selected. The analysis of collected data was done by using mean scores, standard deviation and independent sample T-Test was used with Cohens D for effect size for comparison of the students in both groups in their academic achievement. The result showed a significant difference between scores in two groups. This technique was effective for experimental group.

Key words: E-7 model, Concept Based Method (CBA), Traditional Lecture Method (TLM), Experimental and Control Group, Factorial Design

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