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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4195-4202

Development Of Soft Composite With Impact Resistance Using Kevlar/Nylon Fabric With Shear Thickening Fluid

R.Loganathan, C.Dhanalashmi, G.Lekhasri, S.Karthik.


As Ayurvedic and Sustainable fashion being an emerging trend in today’s medical textile world, this paper surely going to be a great help for the hospitalized bed returned patients in pleasing their issues. A decubitus ulcer (bed sore) is formed by the pressure against skin, which controls blood flow of the skin. Limited movement can cause serious damages to the skin and lead to the development of psoriasis. A bedsore develops when the blood supply to the skin is cut off for more than 2 to 3 hours. This paper shows that better improvements than the conventional treatments used for bed sore repellent like applying medicine on the bed sore area, bed sore sprays. When the skin dies, the patch starts at first as a red, painful area, which eventually turns as a serious wound. If it is left untreated, the skin can break down and the area can become infected. So this medical textile can prevent the formation of bed sore and also act as treatment in the infected area.
In this paper a needle punched non- woven will be taken and finished with the herbals used naturally to treat the bed sores. The non- woven fabric sample will be coated by using the herbals like Kedrostis foetidissima (Appokava Leaf), Chrysopogon zizanioides (Vettiver), Neem and Turmeric. The functional testing of the treated non - woven samples will be subjected for the functional properties. Based upon the test inferences the coated non-woven will be made as a suitable end use products as use and through bed covers. It will be cost effective, non-allergic and the bacteria’s can be protected from affecting others or patient attender who will be using the bed again

Key words: Herbal, Ayurveda, Bed sore, Kedrostis foetidissima, Chrysopogonzizanioides, Neem

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