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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(4): 4605-4610

Education In Mising Tribes: A Brief Overview Of Prospects And Challenges



A society can ultimately change through education, which can lead to the emergence of a progressive, democratic society. Education is the sole means of illuminating knowledge and eradicating ignorance. Education is therefore considered to be one of the most important weapons for social transformation. Any country’s capacity to transform society for sustainable development depends on how effectively it approaches education. Thus, the educational prospects and challenges is topical issue to be more research for transforming the entire society. The Mising tribes are the second largest tribal community in Assam right after the Bodo tribe and they usually reside on the bank of the riverside. Because of their isolation and lack of access to modern education, the Mising tribes are still trailing behind other advanced populations. Thus, the prospects and challenges that Mising tribe experience in the field of education are attempted to be addressed thoroughly in this study.

Key words: Education, Mising tribe, Prospects, Challenges.

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