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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 4979-4987

Emi Due Based Automatic Vehicle Locking System

Dr.P.Saravanan, Mr.Ramprasad Maharana, Bargavi P, Roshine M, Sai Meenakshi R.


The system is designed to lock the vehicle automatically when it exceeds the due date till the borrower settles EMI using GSM technology. People who purchase their vehicles on loan are lethargic in paying their EMI. Conflict between the creditors and lenders is resolved by tracking the vehicle when it exceeds the due date and then locking the vehicle system till the borrower settles the monthly EMI. Here, a warning message is sent by the EMI department through the GSM module to the lender about the due date. The microcontroller receives this message and the voice IC reminds the user. In case, if he fails to pay the EMI, the module receives a command from the EMI department to lock vehicle engine. Additionally, an GPS system is also included to check for the location of the vehicle to avoid any unexpected accidents, if the GPS location of the vehicle and the home matches then action is taken or else the module keeps on monitoring until the location matches to lock the vehicle.


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