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Research Article

AJVS. 2023; 16(1): 28-0

Estimation of the Fatty Acid Concentration in Muscle Tissue of Carp Fish in Dukan Lake and A Local Pond in Sulaimani, Iraq.

Star Ibrahim Kareem, Ridha Hassan, Rezan Omer Rasheed.

Cited by 0 Articles

This research aimed to measure the concentration of various fatty acids, in the dorsal muscle tissue of Cyprinus carpio fish from Dukan Lake and Qaikand pond using gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) VARIAN gas chromatograph (GC) (CP3800 Walnut Creek model). The presence of highly digestible proteins and fatty acids in fish is critical for a healthy lifestyle since they provide nutritional value. Fatty acids play significant roles in metabolism and function as hormones and signalling molecules. this study was conducted in November and December 2020, 30 fish samples ( length: 28 - 38 cm and weight: 965-1640 grams) were collected from Dukan Lake and Qaikand Pond. The average levels of the saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids in the fish from the Dukan were 22.51%, 51.47%, and 21.94%, respectively, and in fish from the Qaikand, they were 25.80%, 44.79%, and 18.93%, respectively. The present study's findings suggest carp could be an excellent component of low-fat, high-polyunsaturated fatty acid diets.

Key words: Carp Fish (Cyprinus Carpio), Dukan Lake, Fatty Acids.

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