Education plays an important role in students life. Sometimes education through printed textbooks makes the students get bored. Smart phones and tablets are no longer used as a communication device, but can be used for much more activities. especially for the school students. As hardware embedded in smart phones can perform significantly more work than the traditional phones, they can be considered as a powerful computing device, which has the ability to capture images, record video and surf the internet. With such powerful computation capacity in ones hand, large scale of students can get benefit out of it. Besides, technology is advancing through many evolutions, it has a potential to play a major role in education. One of those technologies is Augmented Reality. A learning platform through Augmented Reality(AR) is an exciting way of learning. The application will provide a better way of learning with 3D model of the contents which the students will use in day-to-day life. And another feature to be added is OCR (Optical Character Recognition), which is used in many public and private sectors for recognition. This feature will give a brief definition of words that a ward cant understand. Thus, by combining these two technologies we achieve a greater deal in revolutionize the education system in a better way oflearning.
Key words: 3D model ; Optical Character Recognition(OCR); Augmented Reality(AR).