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Original Research

TAF Prev Med Bull. 2004; 3(7): 148-155


Cengiz,Han,AÇIKEL,,*, Mahir,GÜLEÇ,,, Selim,KILIÇ,.


We aimed to evaluate the pharmacies in Ankara Centrum on some legal requirements and cold chain rules.
We planned this study as a cross sectional research and performed it in Ankara 15-20 June 2000. Among the 1400 registered pharmacies in Ankara, stratified sampling chose 200; 189 could be reached. A questionnaire was formed in GATA Department of Public Health to evaluate cold chain rules, and also another observation form was filled for each pharmacy.
Most common faults were lack of name tags (89.4%), lack of white uniforms (70.4%), and absence of pharmacist (42.3%). 95.8% mentioned that they received unprescribed drug requests; and 69.5% confessed that they gave unprescribed drugs. 42.1% said that they had food in the refrigerators they kept vaccines and biological materials. 55.8% of the responsible personnel had no knowledge about the suitable shelve for vaccines in the refrigerator.
When comparing the pharmacies according to their placement, we found that there were considerable faults and especially these were more in hospital district pharmacies.

Key words: pharmacy, cold chain

Article Language: Turkish English

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