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Research Article

Effect of herbal formulation Sharbat Ahmad Shahi on serum BDNF level in mild to moderate cases of depressive disorder



Background: Depressive disorder is a common psychiatric condition where suicidal tendency, adverse events of conventional drugs prompt us to find safer yet effective alternative solutions. Traditional Unani formulation Sharbat Ahmad Shahi is used as an antidepressant but needs to be validated along with its scientific mechanism of action. Serum Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) level is nowadays considered an important biomarker of depression. Hence, we conducted a clinical study to evaluate the effect of Unani formulation in mild to moderate cases of depressive disorders.
Methods: 20 diagnosed cases of depressive disorders (on DSM-V criteria) of mild to moderate intensity having Hamilton Depression Rating Scale score 8-18, were enrolled after informed consent procedure and given Sharbat Ahmad Shahi 20 ml twice daily for 6 weeks during the year 2019. Baseline and post treatment assessments were done using Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, Serum BDNF level and safety parameters.
Result: Highly significant difference was observed between baseline and post treatment Hamilton Depression Rating scale scores and serum BDNF values (p

Key words: Depressive disorders; Serum BDNF; antidepressant; Unani medicine; Sharbat Ahmad Shahi

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