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HPTLC Fingerprinting analysis of phytoconstituents from Bixa orellana and Beta vulgaris plant



Pigments are a type of coloring component which are utilized by humans to enhance colors in their lives. Using synthetic pigments for the purpose of coloring food, clothes, fruit juices, paints are accepted worldwide previously, but due to hazardous impact of sythetic colors on environment and also on human health made to go for alternative sources of the pigments which are safe to use. Isolation of natural pigment is an another preference that will increase the supply of pigment from natural sources while minimizing environmental and health risks. Thus, there is a growing necessity for biocolor derived from natural sources that can substitute synthetic colors. Natural colorants are commonly found from plants, animals and microorganisms. Plant pigments have several benefits, so it seems much of prominence for pigment production. Bixa orellana and Beta vulgaris were isolated for yellow, orange and red color pigments from natural ecological source. Pigment isolation from plants requires extract preparation and then isolation of pigments using different solvents. Extracted pigments were analysed by preliminary screening techniques such as phytochemical assay and various confirmation tests. We found positive results for flavonoid, tannin, carbohydrate, protein, saponin and alkaloid using phytochemical assays. Thus it was aimed to develop the novel extraction analytical methods for determination of Bixa Orellana and Beta Vulgaris spp. by HPTLC fingerprint approach.

Key words: Natural extract, Bixa orellana, Beta vulgaris, Phytochemical test, HPTLC Fingerprinting analysis

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