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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 6161-6171

Parametric Difference Between English And Urdu In Terms Of Null Subject Parameters.

Dr. Muhammad Uzair, Dr. Ubaidullah Khan, Muhammad Saqib Zaigham, Dr. Malik Ajmal Gulzar.


In UG, principles and parameters postulate that innate language faculty possess finite set of fundamental principles common to all languages and seeks to explain the variation between languages through parameters. In other words the parameters determine syntactic variability amongst languages within pre-set limits for a particular parameter. This study takes into account one of such parametric variations among the languages i.e. phenomenon of null-subject parameter and explores whether Urdu language is null subject / pro-drop or not. The study analyses an exchange between teacher and mother. It reveals that null-subject constituent is not only a characteristic feature of English syntax but a feature of Urdu syntax as well. Moreover, it verifies that contrary to English structure, Urdu is pro-drop or null subject language within pre-set limit i.e. binary principle. This study is significant as it contributes fresh linguistic data for the principles and parameter theory.

Key words: subject, predicate, sentence

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