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Coincidence of Haemorrhagic Septicemia and Rabies

Zafar ul Ahsan Qureshi, Muhammad Numan, Abdul Whab Manzoor, Shahida Afzaal, Zaheer Hussain.


An unusual sickness in a cattle confusing with symptoms of haemorrhagic septicemia (HS) was reported to the institute in the periphery of Kasoor District. Animal was showing typical symptoms of HS but was also very furious and biting the other animals. A team of researchers from the institute visited the place and collected the samples and information in all aspects related to any disease occurrence on epidemiological basis. Blood and saliva samples were collected for laboratory testing. Biochemical tests including indol production, glucose and sucrose fermentation tests regarding HS confirmation and any blood born disease were done. Saliva sample was tested for ruling out rabies. Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) by amplifying ā€œNā€ region gene and mouse inoculation test (MIT) were performed and it was very astonished that animal was positive for both HS and rabies.

Key words: Haemorrhagic septicemia; Rabies; RTPCR; MIT.

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