This study investigated the effect of grain orientation on the structural behavior of sawdust laminates. Sawdust obtained from a local sawmill was separated using B.S sieves of 4.00mm, 2.80mm, 1.70mm, and 1.18mm apertures. The screened sawdust particles were batched equally and used to produce sawdust laminate specimens as per ASTM D1037-12. The produced specimens were then characterized for their structural properties. Sawdust laminates produced from grains retained on the 4mm B.S sieve exhibited the highest bending strength, compressive strength and impact energy of 19.7N/mm2, 0.405N/mm2 and 46J respectively amongst all samples produced. In addition, they also had the least water absorption of 38.3% after 24hrs and least thickness swelling (10.53%). Results obtained indicate that grain orientation plays a crucial role as regards structural characteristics of the produced laminates and hence should be taken into consideration for the optimal design of laminates. laminates produced from large grains of the sawdust used displayed better desirable structural properties compared to laminates produced from smaller grains of the sawdust. This study also demonstrated that sawdust can be used to produce laminates that can be useful as non-structural elements in the construction industry
Key words: Bending strength, Charpy test, grain orientation, sawdust laminate, water absorption.