Objective: To analyse Curcumin effect on proliferation, apoptosis, and hepatocyte differentiation of Balb/C Mice exposed to benzapyrene.
Methodology: A literature search was carried out systematically through the PubMed, NCBI, and Google Scholar databases using keywords, “Curcumin, Proliferation, Apoptosis and Hepatocyte Differentiation of Mice Balb/C, Benzapyrene”. Based on these keywords, the articles obtained were first selected by setting several inclusion criteria.
Results: A total of 550 articles were obtained for the keywords “Curcumin, Proliferation, Apoptosis and Hepatocyte Differentiation of Mice Balb/C, Benzapyrene and 28 met the inclusion criteria. Curcumin reduced the hepatocyte proliferation index in experimental animals exposed to BaP and increased the hepatocyte apoptosis index in experimental animals exposed to BaP. It reduced the N/C ratio of hepatocytes in experimental animals exposed to BaP.
Conclusion: Administration of curcumin in the diet during the initiation and post-initiation periods can inhibit the increase in PCNA expression, increase apoptosis, and improve hepatocyte differentiation patterns exposed to benzopyrene and curcumin.
Key words: Curcumin, proliferation, apoptosis, hepatocyte differentiation mice balb/C, benzapyrene.