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A study to access morbidity profile and health-seeking behavior among transgender persons in a metropolitan city

Sophia Fernandes, Harshal Jadhav.


Background: Sex is an ascribed status which makes us male or female, but gender is an achieved status which makes us masculine or feminine. Transgender people also called as the third gender are a vulnerable group because they are a socially discriminated and a scattered population.

Aims and Objectives: The current study was conducted to enumerate the sociodemographic and morbidity profile of transgender persons in an urban slum area.

Materials and Methods: After obtaining clearance from the ethical committee, the help of an NGO was solicited in contacting and interviewing the transgenders. A sample size of 102 was fixed using convenient sampling. A pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire was used for data collection using face-to-face interviews for 12 months.

Results: Mean age of the study subjects was 28.29 years. Majority of them were involved in prostitution and begging. About 51% of them had undergone non-medical castration, and all of them gave a history of sexually transmitted infections. About 90% preferred private health care over free care provided by government due to discrimination and indifferent attitude faced by them in the later.

Conclusion: The perception of the entire community and health care workers toward transgenders needs to change through nationwide advocacy, discussions, and mobilization of social and political will so that they become a regular part of the population.

Key words: Transgender Persons; Health; Health-Care Utilization

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