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RMJ. 2023; 48(2): 348-351

Intentions of weight loss: An analysis of behaviour and physical factors

Ayesha Basharat, Umm-e-Farwa, Syeda Rida Zainab, Tooba Ahmad, Hafiza Andleeb Sadia, Shahzaib Hassan.


Objective: To investigate the primary intention and mode of weight loss obese females adopted in last three months, and to determine relationship between BMI and functional capacity of body.
Methodology: A cross-sectional survey was conducted from April 2019 to June 2020. One thousand healthy young females that belonged to various walks of life were selected by using a purposive sampling technique. Inclusion criteria was BMI> 25 (overweight to obese). Females having any endocrine or systemic disease were excluded. Data was collected using a self-structured questionnaire by face-to-face interview method about their intent and approach used for weight management in last three months. Females were also inquired about overweight impact on their physical functions. Statistical analysis was carried by SPSS 21 as mean, standard deviations and correlation.
Results: BMI was inversely corelated with functional capacity of upper and lower limbs (p

Key words: Obesity, overweight, intentions, BMI, functional capacity.

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