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RMJ. 2023; 48(4): 973-975

Prevalence of core muscles weakness in body builders

Mahwish Bukhari, Maha Zaheer, Usman Riaz, Ameena Amjad, Sana Altaf.


Objective: To determine the prevalence of core muscle weakness in bodybuilders.
Methodology: This cross-sectional study was done in different Fitmark, Shapes, Aimfit and fitness planet gyms of Lahore city. Saharmann’s test and planks were performed to check for the core strength.
Results: The response from 163 bodybuilders showed that 10.4% were not able to perform any plank, 24.5% performed plank stage 1, No participant could reach stage 9 and couldn’t repeat the planks. Sahrmann’s test showed that 28.8% participants were awarded 0.5, 38.75% participants performed level 1, 15.3% participants performed level 1.5, 12.9% participants performed level 2, 3.7% participants performed level 3, only 0.6% participant could reach level 4, no participant could reach level 5.
Conclusion: The weakness of core muscles is common among bodybuilders. Therefore, it is recommended to address this problem for train the better training of bodybuilders.

Key words: Core muscles, bodybuilders, exercise.

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