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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 5817-5824

Citizenship Amendment Act 2019

Dr. T. Aparna.


India is a Secular country, where the whole of constitution of India states in its preamble that it is
necessarily important for our nation to be a religion free country and significant to know the level of
impact that any act which majorly deals with the points which determines the ways in which the
activities of a person show and reaches the reality. In the advent of country borders and warfare there
are so many lives that lost their homeland and move to various other places and nearby countries.
Form the period of kingdoms to today’s Afghanistan issue where Taliban’s have conquered
Afghanistan, there is so much fight that keeps consistently going on to explore the world deeper and
people always tend to focus on getting more land. The land becomes a struggle and the fights for land
is a common phenomenon in all eras. While so much of the struggles take place the situation of those
people forced out of land because of these tough situations. We all randomly shared the videos of
people escaping from the wings of the flights by the people of Afghanistan who tend to show the how
hard it is for people to stay. However, when we think of the situation of these people when they come
to another country as a refugee is horrible. They have to understand on how these activities are set to
be done and there is a need for a tremendous outlook to learn about the concepts underlying. There is
a need to understand about such people out there know about them whereas when a country like
India enacts a law in this situation which tends to be highly debatable considering those particular set
of people or communities, it moves out to be a matter of Question. There is a need to understand more
about this concept and figure out whether we might require it or not.

Key words: Citizenship, amendment, Secularism, Citizenship Amendment Bill, Religion, Countries, Act

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