The aim of the study is to reveal the risk of COVID-19 among pathologists and to examine their views, concerns along with measures to be taken in dealing with COVID-19. The research was carried out in Turkey with online survey method, on 176 participants. According to the findings of the study, participants who served oneon-one to a COVID-19 patient was 47.16%. Number of participants assigned in the polyclinic and clinical processes of coronavirus patients; 63.6%. 24 participant (13.6%) stated that their frozen cases decreased. Substantially, there was a use of protective equipment (88.6%). Cytological specimens were seen to continue 93.7%. There was a competence of 88.6% in terms of protective equipment. It was determined that the anxiety levels of the participants did not change according to age groups, according to the hospital type, working pandemic outpatient clinic and gender variables (p> 0.05). As a result, medical pathologists actively continue their routine services during the pandemic process and also support their other colleagues by working actively in the COVID-19 outpatient clinic. As always, solidarity with our colleagues continues.
Key words: COVID 19, pathologist, pathology laboratory, protection