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RMJ. 2012; 37(2): 183-186

Gendar and age attributed discrepancy regarding clinical presentation during an acute airway obstruction in an emergency department

Mohammed Aladwan, Eman Khreisat, Amal Khreisat, Laith Obeidat, Raja khasawnah, Hazem Alkhaldi.


To compare the frequency and intensity of a presenting clinical picture
between females and males through an acute airway obstruction in our
emergency department.

Our prospective investigation included 197 patients , of both genders ,
aged 16-83 years and presenting to our emergency department of Queen Alia
military hospital during the period Jan – June 2011 , complaining of acute attacks
of bronchial asthma , according to clinical examination and clinical medical
The presenting clinical picture was differentiated between females
(GII,n=99 ) and males (GI,n= 98 ),according to intensity (mild,moderate
and severe) and incidence of none,some times and very frequently attacks of
acute bronchial asthma during the past 24 hours.
P-value was considered statistically significant if it was equal or 0.05).

Although the incidence of clinical presentation of bronchial asthma was
almost equal in both groups,the severe clinical presentation of acute attacks of
bronchial asthma was significantly more in females than in males in our
Jordanian population group at our emergency department

Key words: Airway obstruction, emergency, factors, age

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