Objective: To assess pharmacists' and physicians' knowledge, perception, and expectations of pharmacogenomics and its implications in a tertiary care hospital in Pakistan.
Methodology: This cross-sectional study included Physicians and pharmacists working at Liaquat National Hospital and Medical College. Demographic and professional characteristics were covered in the survey's questions. We assessed knowledge, perception, attitudes toward, and impediments with pharmacogenomics implications.
Results: We collected 164 responses, 137 from physicians and 27 from pharmacists. Pharmacogenetic knowledge was generally limited, although perspectives toward pharmacogenomics and its potential therapeutic use were favorable. Several obstacles were discovered; the most prevalent ones are a lack of pharmacogenetic knowledge and expertise, a dearth of pharmacogenetic testing instruments, and shortage of funds.
Conclusion: Despite limited pharmacogenomics knowledge, physicians and pharmacists are optimistic about the field's potential therapeutic applications.
Key words: Pharmacogenetics, pharmacogenomics, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, FDA.