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RMJ. 2023; 48(1): 3-6

Prevalence of cancer cases among population of Kirkuk, Iraq from 2016-2020

Hussein Ali Mohammed, Jenan Akbar Shakoor, Nazar Ahmed Mahmood, Abid Salih Kumait, Araz Mohammed Kareem.


Objective: To present a clear picture of the cancer cases reported in Kirkuk between 2016 and 2020 and to identify the top 10 instances in both genders.
Methodology: This cohort/retrospective study was conducted at oncology/hematology center in Kirkuk governorate from January, 2021 to May, 2022. The data were collected from the official records of oncology/hematology center in Kirkuk governorate and consisted of 4917 cancer cases during the five years period from 2016 to 2020.
Results: A total of 4719 cases of all cancer types in Kirkuk were recorded from 2016-2020. Of these, 64.2% were females and 35.8% males. Age of 65.8% cases was between 41-70 years, with a mean of 52.624±22.593 years. For both genders, breast cancer was the most common (1532), followed by lung cancer.
Conclusion: Breast cancer is on the top of ten cancers and is on the rising trend. The Ministry of health should plan for a strategy of regular screening for breast cancer in women and increasing the awareness of the women regarding breast self-examination for early detection.

Key words: Prevalence, cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, Kirkuk, Iraq.

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