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Case Report

Endometriose ombilicale: A propos d’un cas

E. Barekensabe, B.Aboubecrine, S.Jayi, Fz. Fdili Alaoui, H. Chaara, M.A. Melhouf.

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Umbilical endometriosis is a rare disease that has been known for a long time. Its frequency would be 1% of all other locations. It affects women in active genital activity with an average age of between 35 and 45 years. The main clinical aspect of umbilical endometriosis is that of a pigmented, papular or nodular lesion developed in the umbilical depression accentuated by the menstrual cycle. Only a biopsy makes it possible to pose the diagnosis with certainty. Surgery is a treatment of choice for the disease.

Key words: Umbilical endometriosis, menstrual cycle, umbilical nodule

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