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Suppression of the RAGE gene expression in RAW 264.7 murine leukemia cell line by ethyl acetate extract of Mikania micrantha (L.) Kunth.

Alex Zohmachhuana1, Malsawmdawngliana Tlaisun2, Vabeiryureilai Mathipi3, Lalrinzuali Khawlhring3, Joyce Sudandara Priya4.

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The aim of this study is to evaluate the in vitro anti-inflammatory effect of Mikania micrantha (L.) Kunth. leaf extract on RAW 264.7 murine leukemia cell line. The qualitative phytochemical analysis of the different extracts of the leaves of M. micrantha revealed the presence of carbohydrates, flavonoids, quinones, terpenoids, phenols, and coumarins, whereas the quantification revealed that the methanol extract contained the highest phenol content (259.88 mg catechol equivalent/g dried sample) as well as flavonoid content (156.55 mg quercetin equivalent/g of dried sample). The different extracts were tested for antioxidant activity using a DPPH scavenging assay. The antioxidant capacity of ethyl acetate extract at 100 µg concentration showed the highest DPPH scavenging ability with an IC50 value of 40.34 µg/ml in comparison with the standard (39.92 µg/ml). Allium cepa assay and MTT assay were performed to assess the cytotoxicity effects. The fresh leaf extract increased the incidence of anomalous mitosis. Cytotoxicity study showed that ethyl acetate extracts exhibit the highest cytotoxicity with an IC50 value of 47.68 µg/ml. Reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction analysis exhibited the suppression of the RAGE gene. This is the first report on the effect of the anti-inflammatory activity of M. micrantha leaf extract on RAW 264.7 murine leukemia cell line. This study concluded that M. micrantha possesses antioxidant property and limiting RAGE gene expression suggests anti-inflammatory properties.

Key words: Anti- inflammatory, Mitosis, phytochemical, antioxidant, cytotoxicity.

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