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Original Research

RMJ. 2023; 48(1): 244-247

A need assessment for faculty development by microteaching: Faculty Knowledge and Attitude towards this strategy

Talea Hoor, Khadija Farrukh.


Objective: To investigate the level of understanding of faculty about microteaching and their desire to improve their teaching competency by microteaching.
Methodology: This sequential explanatory mixed research involved 44 faculty members from a private medical and dental College in Karachi. A questionnaire based on five points Likert scale was used for collecting quantitative data. Qualitative data were collected using semi-structured interviews of faculty members. Case study design and constructivist and pragmatic philosophical paradigm were used.
Results: Faculty members had limited knowledge on microteaching but they were interested in improving their level of knowledge. They demanded a workshop for understanding microteaching process. They were also interested in applying microteaching as a faculty development tool at our institute. Three themes were identified, faculty knowledge, perception of faculty on effectiveness of microteaching and areas of faculty development by microteaching strategy.
Conclusion: Microteaching is an effective tool for training medical teachers and faculty members of our institute had positive attitude towards its application at our medical and dental college.

Key words: Microteaching, faculty development, medical education, teaching skills.

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