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JPAS. 2022; 22(2): 220-226

Coronavirus outbreaks and its effects on demand for electronic business in New-Bussa, Niger state.

Eric Aghiomesi IRUNOKHAI.


The outbreak of coronavirus which started from Wuhan in china and eventually cut across the borders of the countries in the world brought significant change to most aspect of human life. Drastic preventive measures that were put in place such as social distances and lockdown immediately brought effects and pave more way to the use of information technology especially in the area of business since man cannot do without his basics needs. This research aimed to study the use of e-business and social media platform before and during the Covid-19 lockdown in the study area. Google form was used to self-constructed electronic business demand and adoption questionnaire (EBDA) and distributed online to WhatsApp contacts of the researchers involved in the study. The data were analysed using charts, Pearson correlation statistics, paired sample and independent sample T-Test statistics. Considering the adoption of e-business platforms before and during coronavirus in the study area using different measuring factors, the result showed even though there was higher demand for electronic business during the coronavirus outbreak in the study area, the higher demand was found to be insignificant and the respective factors were fully presented and discussed in the results.

Key words: Coronavirus, Outbreak, electronic and business

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