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RMJ. 2022; 47(4): 841-844

Cognitive disturbances (attention, memory and executive functioning) among individuals with epilepsy and normal controls in Karachi, Pakistan

Noreen Jaffri, Shazia Hasan, Rabia Yasmeen.


Objective: To examine the level of cognitive functions (attention, memory and executive functioning) among individuals with epilepsy in comparison with normal controls.
Methodology: This cross-sectional study included sample of 121 individuals of age 18-25 years, (61 with epilepsy and 60 without history of epilepsy). Data of the individuals with epilepsy was collected from Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center, Karachi, The level of attention, memory and executive functions were measured with Cognitive Symptoms Checklist (CSC) and analyzed using SPSS. Shapiro-Wilk Test and Mann-Whitney U were administered to measure the normal distribution of sample and hypotheses were examined by Mann Whitney test.
Results: Group of individuals with epilepsy problem regarding the attention and memory and executive brain functioning were statistically significantly higher than the controls (U=171, p

Key words: Epilepsy, cognitive functions, memory, neurological problems.

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