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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(3): 3781-3812

The Use Of Apology And Its Sub-Strategies In The Linguistic Cultures Of British English And Pashto Language

Dr. Mian Shah Bacha, Bakht Sheema Bibi, Fayaz ur Rahman.


This research study explores the phenomenon of apology and its strategies in English and Pashto linguistic cultures. The participants were given role play situations wherein they had to show the apology strategies.The data of the apology strategies in both the linguistic cultures confirm the claim of Blum-Kulka, House and Kasper (1989). The use of IFID and the ‘expression of the responsibility strategies’ appeared in varying degrees in both the British English and in the Pashto language but the use of other semantic and sub-formulaic strategies were just context dependent. The results of the apology strategies further show that they were realized in different forms in the British English and in the Pashto language but the British respondents had shown their preference conspicuously towards the lexical phrase, ‘I am sorry’. The intensity of this lexical form was realized by the use of adverbs like dreadfully, awfully, extremely, really, so and terribly. Such intensified forms for the expression of an apology strategies happened as a convention in Anglo-Saxon influenced milieu for a conflict avoidance which was considered to be a redrassal for the addressee’s negative face. On the other hand, the Pashto respondents made the use of the non-intensified forms for the expression of apology but they used IFID intensified also in some of the strategies. They went for expression like Bakhana Gwarama (forgive me), Mazrat Koma (I regret/ I apologize), Khafa Nashai (never mind), Afsos Koma (I am sorry), Mata Der Afsos De (I am extremely sorry) and Mafi Gwarama (I seek forgiveness).Both linguistic cultures had the expression of apology but in varying form. The British respondents had the intensified nature of apology expression but the Pashto language respondents did not go for intensified forms of apology expression but needed redressal for addressee`s negative face.

Key words: apology, strategies, IFID, redressal, intensity, sub-formulaic

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