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Research Article

EEO. 2019; 18(4): 1919-1937

The Awareness of the Language of Mathematical Skills of Primary School Teachers and Pre-Service Primary School Teachers

H. Beyza Canbazoğlu,Kamuran Tarım.


The aim of this study is to determine the awareness of primary school teachers and pre-service primary school teachers about their mathematical language skills. The model of the research was determined as a case study of qualitative research designs. The study group of the research consisted of primary school teachers and pre-service primary school teachers. The data of the study was obtained through the Interview Form and interviews. Descriptive analysis method was used to analyze the data of the study. As a result of the interviews conducted in order to determine the awareness of the teachers about the mathematical language skills, the teachers and pre-service teachers made various opinions. Teachers and pre-service teachers stated that mathematics is a language of its own, that language is a tool in understanding mathematics and mathematical problems, and that there is a relationship between mathematics and language to understand mathematics and mathematical problems. Another important finding of the study is to determine the lack of knowledge of the prospective teachers about the mathematical competence and special aims in the primary school mathematics curriculum.

Key words: The language of mathematical, mathematical communication, primary school teachers, primary school.

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