In this research article we have analyzed several Telecom System quality parameters (i.e. throughput,end to end delay,packet loss,latency and bandwidth etc ) enhacement schemes based on SDN environment for extracting the best possible method to obtain the fruitful results.We have done implementation on the define Telecom Network in three portions.In the first portion the complex flow based mesh network in SDN controlled(POX controller ) environment is installed on Mininet and the system quality parameters are analyzed and ploted in I-perf and J-perf utilities by applying two different quality based algorithms namely AM-QOS(active measurement based QOS),SQAR(stimulated annealing based QOS), and draw their comparision with lagecy network (without SDN controller).The results shows that AM-QOS is better in term of system quality parameters as compared to SAQR and lagecy network. In the second portion the Hybrid approach even though with less QOS based results, shows that practically it is not fessible due to higher cost to completely change system switches status from lagecy switches to open flow based SDN switches but with hybrid network approach creating virtual foudation between lagacy switch and open flow switch can help the ordinary network with legacy switches to be centralizedly controlled and even give better QOS based results as comapred to ordinary network. In the third portion of the implementation the active sensing measurement is compared to polling method(tradictionally used for network parameters calculations) with results it can be analyzed that obtained system quality parameters are quite near so active sensing method can be considered helpful in designing system quality based alogrithm to be used in SDN controlled environment.
Key words: SDN, QOS, Legacy switch, AM-QOS, SAQR, Active sensing measurement, polling.