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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(3): 3670-3677

Cultural Exclusion and Identity Crisis: Trespassing in the East and West

Dr. Mohammad Muazzam, Sadia Nazeer, Mutuahira Yousaf.


This study explores the cultural differences between the East and the West as interpreted by Uzma Aslam Khan in Trespassing (2003). The study also focuses on the societies and conditions of the mentioned cultures. The author of the novel thoroughly compares the incidents happening in the West with those in the East. The novel Trespassing focuses on the violence and the crisis that the politically suffering Pakistan is going through with the theme of love at its centre. To interpret the violence and crisis, on one hand, in Pakistan and peace and prosperity in America on another, the text of the novel has been closely analyzed through the critical commentaries by Nair, Feldman (2013). The novel also shows the transitional stage Pakistan went through in its Political scenario. Along with Feldman, some concepts of post-colonialism and the subaltern have provided a framework to the study.

Key words: Crisis, Post-colonial, Political sufferings, Transition

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