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Research Article

EEO. 2018; 17(4): 1928-1943

An Interdisciplinary Nature Education Program for Gifted Primary School Students and its Effect on their Environmental Literacy

Hasret Nuhoğlu,Yeşim İmamoğlu.


The aim of this study is to introduce an interdisciplinary nature education program (INEP), developed for gifted students in order to create an opportunity for them to discover nature and approach environmental problems in a systematic way. Another aim is to investigate the effect of the program on environmental literacy. Participants of the study were 20 gifted primary school students. INEP took place in a botanical garden preserving the richest endemic species of Turkey. Effectiveness INEP was measured by Elementary School Environmental Literacy Instrument, consisting test of environmental knowledge (TEK), affective disposition towards environment (ADTES) and responsible environmental behavior (CREBS) scales. In addition, participating students’ performances and their views about the program were evaluated. Results of data analysis revealed significant differences in students’ environmental knowledge and affective disposition towards the environment. Student interviews and observations also support this result. In accordance with the findings, strengths and weaknesses of the program are discussed.

Key words: Gifted education, interdisciplinary learning and teaching, nature education, environmental education, environmental literacy, out of school learning environments

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