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Research Article

EEO. 2013; 12(4): 926-937

Exploring environmental literacy through demographic variables

Gökhan Öztürk,Özgül Yılmaz Tüzün,Gaye Teksöz.


This study aims to investigate the effect of selected demographic variables on pre-service teachers’ environmental literacy. Although there are several demographic variables to have some degree of relationship with components of environmental literacy, gender, academic major, and grade level are chosen to investigate further in the Turkish context because of their prevalent usage in earlier studies. The sample of the study is comprised of 560 pre-service teachers enrolled in different academic majors. Environmental Literacy Test (ELT) was used as an instrument to assess environmental literacy and MANOVA was performed to investigate differences of PTs’ environmental literacy in terms demographic variables. Findings of the study indicated that gender, year of enrollment, and academic major had significant effect on components of environmental literacy.

Key words: Environmental literacy; pre-service teachers; gender; academic major; year of enrollment

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