This article intends to study the selected themes mentioned in chapter-55 of the Qur’ān. It is a helpful study, up to the possible extent, to know several unattended facets of phenomenon and instructions given in chapter-55. In this direction, theological interpretations are imbued with relevant scientific discussions to explain different dimensions making the Qur’ānic verses more comprehensible. A diligent scientific interpretation may contribute to comprehend Scripture in the current context. It educates to improve ethical performance in society. Therefore, one would like to exercise his abilities positively within prescribed limits by observing anthropocosmic signs. This theology scientifically demands advancement and success in this world and salvation in the world Hereafter. It suggests a spiritual journey of man towards Ultimate Reality.
Key words: Chapter-55 of Qur’ān, Thematic Study, Objectives of Human’s Life, Religio-Scientific Approach, Ultimate Reality.