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Research Article

EEO. 2013; 12(3): 730-739

Examination of Statistical Thinking Models



Statistical thinking has gained importance recently. The purpose of the research study is to analyze terms associated with statistical thinking, statistical thinking models, and to examine differences among statistical thinking models. These models have been developed by researchers in order to identify species of statistical thinking and how the students solved problems. In addition, these models provide the material for educational research. In this study, five statistical thinking models are discussed compared by considering different aspects of these models. These statistical models are Ben-Zvi and Friedlander (1997), Wild and Pfannkuch (1999), Jones et al (2000), Hoerl and Snee (2001) and Mooney (2002). This study provides researchbased knowledge that can be used by teachers and researchers to inform statistical thinking. If these models are known by teachers and researchers, they can be useful for overcoming the difficulties encountered in the teaching of statistics.

Key words: Statistical Thinking, Statistical Thinking Models, Mathematics Education.

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