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Research Article

EEO. 2013; 12(3): 659-673

Exploration of Preservice Science Teachers’ Epistemological Beliefs, World Views, and Self-Efficacy Considering Gender and Achievement

Özgül Yılmaz,Tüzün Mustafa,Sami Topçu.


The purpose of this study was to investigate preservice science teachers’ epistemological beliefs, epistemological world views, and self-efficacy beliefs with respect to academic achievement and gender. A total of 391 preservice science teachers participated in this study. Schommer’s Epistemological Questionnaire was administered to measure their epistemological beliefs. Factor analysis revealed four factor structures: “Innate ability,” “Certain knowledge,” “Simple knowledge,” and “Omniscient authority.” Furthermore, contribution of these factors, epistemological world views, and self-efficacy beliefs on students’ grade point average were examined. Innate ability, simple knowledge, and epistemological world views significantly contributed to senior students’ grade point average. For freshmen students, significant differences were obtained for omniscient authority, innate ability, and epistemological world views with respect to gender. For senior students, significant differences were obtained for innate ability, omniscient authority, self-efficacy, and outcome expectancy with respect to gender. This cross sectional study suggested that PSTs’ epistemological beliefs might change over time and have relationship with their academic achievement.

Key words: Academic achievement; epistemological beliefs; epistemological world views; gender; self-efficacy beliefs.

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