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Research Article

EEO. 2010; 9(2): 526-540

Investigating Educational Views of Prospective Teachers According to Different Variables

Ercan KiRAZ,Cennet Engin Demir,Meral Aksu,Ayşegül Daloğlu,Soner Yıldırım.


The purpose of this study was to analyze part of the findings of the larger study conducted to investigate
prospective teachers’ demographic characteristics, socio-cultural values, and educational views. The study aimed to examine the
effect of certain background variables on educational beliefs of first-year students at the faculties of education in Turkey. Data
was collected from 18,226 first-year students from 51 faculties of education through a questionnaire developed by the research
team. Educational views were grouped into two categories: conservative and liberal. Findings indicated that gender, age, the
type of school graduated the place of residence and parents’ educational level had a significant effect on educational views of
prospective teachers, yet parents’ occupation did not have a significant effect. The findings of the study provided insight into the
factors that shape educational views of prospective teachers. Furthermore, they have some implications for the improvement of
teacher education programs in Turkey

Key words: Educational beliefs, educational philosophy, teacher education

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