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Research Article

EEO. 2019; 18(1): 296-306

Family Reading in Children Literacy Skills Formation

Anton Bykov,Liudmila Trofimova.


The purpose of our research is to identify the reasons for the decline in reading's interest, as well as to determine the conditions ensuring a positive dynamics in this area. The article presents the results of the survey of 284 schoolchildren and students - future teachers (aged 16 to 23 years). It is revealed that 76.8% of respondents consider the preserving the family reading traditions in children's upbringing to be an actual problem which speaks about the need of activity among the youth to increase motivation for family reading. Only about half of the respondents were able to give concrete recommendations for literary works for joint reading by all members of the family. This suggests that universities need systematic educational work among students to increase motivation for reading in general, and to family reading in particular. On the other hand, this problem concerns the entire society as well.

Key words: Children reading skills, transformation of reading, culture of reading, family reading traditions, elementary education

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