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Research Article

EEO. 2019; 18(1): 226-240

The Effect of Family Communication Skills Psycho-Educational Program on Couples’ Marital Satisfaction

Abdullah Atan,Mustafa Buluş.


In this study, the effects of a structured Family Communication Skills Psycho-education Program on couples’ marital satisfaction were examined. Quasi - experimental pre-test and post-test with control group design was used in the study. 24 couples participated in the study. In the experimental group, 12 couples were taken into the psycho-education program and the program was planned and applied for a total of eight weeks, one day a week. Effective Communication Skills and Marital Life Scales were used as data collection tools and Mann Whitney U and Wilcoxon Singed Ranks Tests were used in the analysis of the data in this research. As a result of the analyses, it was found that marital satisfaction test scores of the couples in the experimental group were significantly increased after the applied psychoeducation program; there was not a significant difference between the control group couples’ marital life scales rank average of the pre- and post-test scores; experimental group couples’ marital satisfaction post-test score averages higher than control group couples’ averages. In the study, the findings were discussed and recommendations were presented together with the educational implications.

Key words: Family communication skills psycho-education program, effecitve communication skills, marital satisfaction

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