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Strategy for Addressing Overcrowding at a Central Hospital: A preliminary Survey in Southern Vietnam

Nhat Minh Ngo.


Introduction: Hospital overcrowding is an international crisis, and there are typically three indicators of this overcrowding. Some previous interventions for overcrowding were found to be incorrect due to a lack of vision; nevertheless, they are the foundation of modern interventions. Tu Du Hospital has had to deal with a huge influx of patients, resulting in the current overcrowding situation. As a result, solutions to counteract the problem of overcrowding immediately emerged, leading to free space in hospitals and benefits to overall public health.
Method: This was a cross-sectional study conducted at Tu Du Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam from May to July 2013. Patients, staffs, and managers recommended some solutions for hospital overcrowding, including building more facilities, improving the organization, developing satellite departments, and establishing family doctor networks.
Result: A total of 200 inpatients, 100 medical staff members, and 88 hospital managers were included in this study. Of the patients, 80.8% choose the hospital for the high-tech facilities and 83.7% for the skillful staff. About 42% of patients accept with the overall quality of hospital.
Conclusion: The survey proved that the overcrowding situation at Tu Du Hospital was actually a kind of “fake” overcrowding. The plan is promoting countryside facilities that associated with Tu Du hospital the objectives must be set up following criteria. This research has uncovered the true form of overcrowding at Tu Du Hospital. A possible strategy for Tu Du Hospital going forward is the implementation of the three proposed interventions at various levels of the healthcare system in Vietnam.

Key words: boarding time, healthcare service, hospital management, satellite department, Vietnam.

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