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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 1963-1973

The use of conventional communication technology as an effective principal leadership strategy in strengthening the role of multi-stakeholder’s forum for school quality improvement

Juharyanto,Ibrahim Bafadal,Imron Arifin,Bagus Rahmad Saputra,Maulana Amirul Adha.


This study aims to describe the use of conventional communication technology as an effective leadership strategy carried out by principals at one-roof school in remote areas of Indonesia in accordance with the problems met and the local wisdom developed in the area. The study was conducted qualitatively with a multi-site approach. Data were obtained through unstructured interviews with principals, teachers, supervisors, community leaders, education offices. All information was tested for credibility and validity in triangulation through various Forum Group Discussion. The results obtained include 1) there are three dominant problems in the remote schools, namely historical, cultural, and demographical complexities, 2) the success of the principal is influenced by the expertise of the principal in utilizing conventional communication technology in the form of direct face-to-face communication, and 3) the use of face-to-face conventional communication technology as a leadership strategy applied by principals can increase the role of multi-stakeholders in enhancing school quality.

Key words: Face-to-face conventional communication technology, leadership strategy, multi-stakeholders’ forum, one-roof schools, remote area

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