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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 1902-1910

Pre-service teacher's ability in solving mathematics problem viewed from numeracy literacy skills

Dede Salim Nahdi,Mohamad Gilar Jatisunda,Ujiati Cahyaningsih,Vici Suciawati.


Problem-solving is one of the important aspects in learning mathematics. However, some study results illustrate the problem-solving ability of students in Indonesia is still low. One step that is thought able to improve problem-solving abilities is enhancing numeracy literacy skills. This study aims to analyze the proportion of problem-solving abilities of Pre-service Teacher in terms of numerical literacy. This study uses a Quasi Experiment method with type Nonequivalent Pretest-Posttest Control Group. The population was all pre-service teachers at Majalengka University, Indonesia, with 60 participants as sample. The results of study is a significant difference in improvement of students' problem-solving abilities of prospective teachers in terms of numerical literacy. From these results, it can be concluded that students who have high numerical literacy make the best contribution to mathematical problem-solving ability than they who have medium and low numeracy literacy.

Key words: Mathematical problem-solving ability, numeracy literacy, problem-based learning (pbl) models

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