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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(3): 1537-1547

Hindering and enabling factors towards ICT integration in schools: A developing country perspective

Shaik Abdul Malik Mohamed Ismail,Nazir Ahmed Jogezai,Fozia Ahmed Baloch.


ICT in education has emerged as a widespread phenomenon and has been widely considered and explored. While remarkable achievement in ICT use in the teaching and learning process has been observed in the developed part of the world, schools in the developing countries still fail to do so. Pakistan, as a less developed country, has still been in its infancy stage of ICT integration in schools. The purpose of this paper was thus, to explore the existing state of affairs in relation to ICT integration in schools via reviewing both the hindering and enabling factors. The study employed a systemic review method to review the available research, conducted in Pakistan, in the last ten years. The results inform about several fundamental issues and provide a way forward towards effective ICT integration in the process of teaching and learning.

Key words: Information Communication Technology (ICT), ICT integration, Teaching and Learning, Developing world

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