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Research Article

EEO. 2009; 8(2): 556-566

A Comparison of Biology Teacher Education Programs in Germany, England and Turkey



In this study, biology teacher education programs in Germany and England were reviewed
and compared with the biology teacher education programs in Turkey. When comparing biology teacher
education programs of Germany, England and Turkey, the similarities and differences in the general
systems of these countries as well as the admission requirements and teaching methods were taken into
consideration. In addition to the descriptive, definition and demonstrative technique, in some parts the
historical analyses and in most parts juxtaposition comparison method is used. In the literature review,
correspondence web site of related countries and universities were brought together and analyzed. The
study is limited to Humboldth, Köln, Bielefeld universities in Germany, Leeds University in England and
11 education faculties in Turkey. There are some differences between biology teacher education
programs between Germany, England and Turkey. Duration of biology education programs in Germany
changes 4.5- 6.5 years, 5 years in England, 5-5.5 years in Turkey. Another difference is ECTS credits.
Biology teacher education students have to take 240 ECTS credits in Germany and England but in Turkey
have to take 300-330 ECTS credits. Based on the data, some comments and suggestions were put
forward. As a result, we propose that the Turkish education system and therefore teacher education
programs should undergo some radical changes in the admission to the biology teacher education
programs in Turkey.

Key words: Comparative Education, Teacher Education, Biology Teacher Education in Germany, England and Turkey

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