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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(1): 333-342

Educational environment approach to preventing the growth of school students anxiety in the transition from primary to secondary school

Natalia Ivanova,Tatiana Sorokina.


The article describes the possible environmental approach for prevention of growth of school anxiety that was found in Russian students at the moment of transition from primary to secondary school. The authors present the content of the experimental study, which was attended by 213 children of the fourth and fifth years of school education. The author's model of the local personal-developmental educational environment in the fourth grades was implemented to prevent difficulties in the adaptation of fifth graders to secondary school, and prevention of the growth of school anxiety of pupils. For diagnostics of level of school anxiety the "Trait Anxiety Scale" of Prikhozhan was used. It is proved that the implementation of the environmental approach in the experimental classes prevents the growth of school anxiety in the transition to secondary school. The research materials can be used to solve the problem of continuity between the levels of school education.

Key words: Intermediate school, primary school, school anxiety, secondary school

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