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Research Article

EEO. 2007; 6(3): 333-343

An Investigation of Grade 5 Students’ Understanding of Humidity Concept

Seçil ALKIŞ.


During the recent years, there has been an increase in the number of the studies on students’ understanding of the basic concepts and the data provided by those studies show that students do not seem to gain a scientific and thorough understanding of them. The usual starting point when carrying out such studies has been the aim of reviewing the concepts and learning students’ perceptions towards them. Considering these, the goal of the present study was to gauge the fifth grade students’ understanding of the concept of “humidity”, which is one of the meteorological parameters defined as “the climate elements”. The sample group consisted of 300 fifth grade students from the city of Bursa. The humidity concept instrument was used in May 2005 and the data collected were transferred into Excel and SPSS. The results showed that the primary school students had serious misconceptions about humidity.

Key words: Humidity concept, students’ perceptions, misconceptions

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