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RMJ. 2021; 46(1): 56-61

Anxiety and depression in osteoarthritis using HADS questionnaire

Amina Husnain, Asif Khan, Tariq Aziz, Faisal Nazeer Hussain.


Objective: To investigate the presence of occult anxiety and depression through use of HADS (Hospital Anxiety Depression Score) questionnaire in cases of degenerative joint disease.
Methodology: A prospective, observational study of osteoarthritis patients presenting to Orthopedic OPD with joint and body aches was done from June to December 2018. Patients were selected from Avicenna Medical College, a tertiary care hospital, Lahore. A total 136 patients with knee/low back pain/neck or generalized aches & pains were included and given HADS form (Urdu translation) to fill and give their best response. The scores were tabulated (0-7 negative, 8-10 borderline & 11-21 positive).
Results: Among 136 patients, 50(36.8%) were male and 86(63.2%) female. Mean duration of symptoms (in Months) was 3.26 months (range 0.25-20). 114(83.8%) patients were married. Many had more than one symptom e.g. neck pain, knee pain, low back ache and generalized aches and pains. Co-morbidities were diabetes or hypertension. No association was found between depression or anxiety scores on HADS scale except for age and hypertension using a Chi Square test.
Conclusion: The association between degenerative joint disease and depression and anxiety using a HADS scale cannot be proven. A large scale study will be desirable.

Key words: Depression, anxiety, osteoarthritis.

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