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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(3): 3823-3827

Petrography Study Of Bauxite Ore In Mainpat Plateau Of Surguja Province, Chhattisgarh, India

Akash Behera, Smruti Ranjan Sahu, Dharampal Singh Kandari, Kishan Singh Rawat, Shipra Gupta.


India has one of the largest producers of the bauxite in the world. Bauxite is generally found in aluminous laterite and the prime source of the aluminium. Approximately 2 billions tons of bauxite reserve was in India. The study was taken place in Mainpat plateau, surguja province of chatishgarh state. The bauxite in this region is formed by ultering and intense weathering. The results of thin section prepared by the sample collected shows that the presence of Dias pores, Goethite, and Gibbsite.

Key words: Bauxite, Petrography study, Laterite, Gibbsite.

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