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Depresion and Covid Status - Analitical Study in Mumbai City, India

Rushikesh Madhukar Jadhav, Shashwat Nagar, Omprakash Jatashankar Yadav, Mohsin A. Jujara.


Background: “Depression represents an important health “outcomes of interest” (HOI). It is a leading source of disability, accounting for approximately one-third of healthy life years lost to disability for people aged 15 years and older.” Objective: This study aims to evaluate the prevalence and clinical correlates of depressive symptoms to COVID 19 Suspect and COVID 19 patients which may lead to depression, in which the population showing symptoms of COVID 19 and has contact history during the COVID-19 outbreak in Mumbai. Methods: An online questionnaire-based cross-sectional analytical study was conducted by using google forms with DSM 5 scale. From 24 wards in Mumbai City, one ward was selected using convenience sampling as per the convenience of the investigator. Out of the total containment zones in the ward as of 12th September 2020, one containment zone i.e, Pimpripada was selected using simple random sampling by using a table of random numbers. The total cases of COVID-19 reported in the containment zone to date were 78 then it was decided to choose 78 individuals having had COVID-19 and 78 of those not detected negative for COVID-19 as a part of the study with a sample size of 156. Results: The study showed that the prevalence of COVID-19 Negative people affected during the COVID-19 pandemic was 46.15% with depression and in COVID-19 Positive depression prevalence was 55.12%. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic employment of most people affected, interacting with people, friends, family members are less and fear-related COVID-19 which leads to increased depression prevalence. Conclusion: The study showed a high prevalence of depression in the COVID-19 Pandemic and indicates that there is an urgent need for taking actions aiming at increasing the effectiveness of enforcing consoling clinics and increasing healthy lifestyles and diets.

Key words: Depression, anxiety, COVID-19, containment zone, employment

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